Saturday, September 22, 2007

An Interesting Paragraph

What I have learned about helping the Audience follow my writing.

Keep it simple (stupid).

Essentially in class I have Learned that the best way to keep a reader interested in what I am saying, (no matter what it is about), is making sure that in that the opening paragraph has a few certain things. These things are important because they keep the reader interested, they can be varied in different ways, particular methods that are exciting enough to keep the reader following along, until the thesis. I felt that this is an important skill and recognize it's importance. I Believe, (which I know you may not) that a good paragraph will have that certain thing that will "grip" the reader. Examples of these, (that we learned about in class) include the use of examples and humorous anecdotes, statistics, etc basically anything that will grip the readers attention soon, especially a strong thesis statement, one that doesn't flop about.
Now if you are reading this far, you will have (hopefully) recognized the above paragraph as being the most uninteresting, repetitive, rambling that is an example of a BAD paragraph, and for your dedication to read the entire thing (despite how painful it might have been) impresses me.
This is how I chose to illustrate that point, by showing that I recognize how horrible a paragraph can be without the elements that grip a reader.

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