Saturday, September 15, 2007

What is a problem, hmm

What is a problem that many first year students have? Well... there are definitely many problems.... problems getting parking, problems getting homework in on time, some first years even have problems setting up a blog! But, for the sake of this assignment I'll choose one particular "problem", now, at the risk of sounding cheeky, I'll say that a common problem that first years have is; figuring out what to write about in generally open assignment (*Gasp* Such as this one!). You see, the problem with most open assignments is that it forces the first year student to all of a sudden think outside the box, no outline, no pre-meditated structure, just "write about this general topic, your opinion". Now, although it is only apparent in a select few, opinions are something that every first year student does in fact have, many just have trouble figuring out how to present them towards the professor. There are two main reasons for this hesitation in speaking out. The first of which being an uncertainty in the teachers marking style, ("Is this a teacher who will appreciate the way in which i am approaching this?"), second of course is the reaction of the professor, ("Will the professor appretiate WHAT I'm approaching, let alone how"). The result of these hesitations, and possibly fear instilled in the student by the professor, is quite commonly a complete lack of self confidence in any answer that the first year may have been opinionated about, and in a chain reaction causes the student to have trouble figuring out what he or she should write about at all.

For your enjoyment.