Monday, September 24, 2007

My Reaction to J.H.P's writing

Okee Dokee, What did I think of J.H. Plumb's writing style?

Well, I like it personally. As a matter of fact, today in class while my group was trying to decide how to start our paragraph (that we had been contemplating together), I (believe it or not) actually (no joke) referenced (for real) the tone of J.H. Plumbs "The Dying Family" as a suggestion on how we should/could/would write our paragraph. True Story

As a result, I approve and enjoy J.H.P's writing style, and would not restrain from using such methods in my own writing.



Reyanna said...

Too bad its so hard to come up with an anecdote. But its definitely an intersting, audience grabbing way to introduce an idea.

sjack100 said...

I agree with you in the whole liking Plumb's style thing. your blog is hard to comment on. damn it. Well done on starting with Okee Dokee. my next blog is gunna start like that haha.

Cassandra said...

I also liked J.H.P's writing style. Although I don't have a history background to use his ideas, sometimes they were a bit much. You must like writing with enthusiasm, as that's what I got out of Plumb's tone.